Quantumin Plus 60ml contains minerals that are essential to build and repair body tissues and are vital to all physical and mental processes. They are as important as our need for oxygen to sustain life. Our daily foods now are deficient in minerals because of the rampant use of fertilizers, pesticides, food additives and preservatives. If we do not take sufficient mineral supplements daily, our general health will gradually decline and we will develop chronic diseases, such as anemia (Iron), Rickets (Calcium) and goiter (Iodine), diabetes (Vanadium and Chromium), heart diseases (calcium and magnesium), arthritis (sulfur, calcium and boron), stroke (copper) and even the dreaded CANCER.It is the only mineral supplement with proprietary blend of fulvic, humic substances and zeolite which controls and prevents diseases. It's alkalinity is compatible with human tissues that direct application into the mouth or in the eyes will not result in adverse effects. The special process called Quantum Potentiation activates and transforms each nutrient/minerals to bio-energized form that even a few drops will give beneficial effects and overdose is unheard of.
Fulvic content further increased the bio-availability of the nutrients. The energized zeolite can do detoxification at an amazing speed and even in areas difficult to reach like the brain and nervous system.
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