What are minerals?

What are minerals?

Minerals are essential to build and repair body tissues and are vital to all physical and mental processes. They are as important as our need for oxygen to sustain life. Our daily foods now are deficient in minerals because of the rampant use of fertilizers, pesticides, food additives, and preservatives. If we do not take sufficient mineral supplements daily our general health will gradually decline and we will develop chronic diseases, such as anemia (iron), Rickets (calcium), heart disease (calcium and magnesium), arthritis (sulphur, calcium, and baron), stroke (copper), and even the dreaded CANCER.

What are Fulvic and Humic Substances?

Fulvic and Humic substances are natural ionic molecules recognized as one of the key elements in many scientific breakthroughs of the 21st century, for the reversal and prevention of diseases and maintenance of good health. They are created by microbial activity at the roots of plants which dissolve and convert the metallic and clay based minerals to organic and bio available minerals. It makes the cell walls more permeable allowing the nutrients to enter the cell readily and the toxins to exit effectively. One single molecule of Fulvic Acid carries 60 or more minerals and trase elements into the cell.

What is ZEOLITE?

Natural zeolite forms where volcanic and ash layers react with alkaline ground water. Zeolites are also deposited over periods ranging from thousands to millions of years in the shallow marine basin. It is a mineral with micro-porous "open" structure that accomodates minerals like sodium, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and these are readily exchanged inside the body with toxins and heavy metals, making zeolite a powerful detoxifier.

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Turbo IT Solutions said...

No one can have their perfect diet which includes all minerals and vitamins. Sometimes we need to have some supplements to balance the nutrients in our body. Supplementation may help you live longer. vega one protein

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